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Rory Cochrane

By Kristine Huntley
Posted at August 2, 2007 - 3:59 PM GMT

See Also: 'Cyber-lebrity' Episode Guide

When Rory Cochrane's character Tim Speedle was fatally shot in CSI: Miami's season three opener, "Lost Son", viewers assumed they'd seen the last of the laid back detective. But Miami fans will get a chance to see the popular detective once again when he mysteriously shows up in "Bang, Bang, Your Debt!", the second episode of Miami's upcoming sixth season. CSI Files' Kristine Huntley caught up with Cochrane to find out what it was like for him going back to the show after a three year absence.

CSI Files: So you're coming back to CSI: Miami for a bit next season. That's exciting news!

Rory Cochrane: I don't want [anyone] to get the wrong impression that I'm coming back because I just did one episode. Contractually, when I left, that was part of the agreement. Along with not being able to do television for four years, I would owe them an episode or two per season, and I guess they just decided to exercise that three years later.

CSI Files:: So they didn't have to call and convince you to come back?

Cochrane: Well, it's the sort of thing I could have said no to. But I figured I didn't have any hard feelings towards anybody there--I like the cast, the crew--so why not go back for one episode?

CSI Files: So as far as you know, you're only going to appear in one episode?

Cochrane: Yeah, that's as far as I know.

CSI Files: Were you surprised when they called you three years later and asked you to come back?

Cochrane: Yeah, I was a little surprised.

CSI Files: We've heard rumors that Delko (Adam Rodriguez) is going to hallucinate Speedle. How do you feel about the way the writers decided to bring the character back?

Cochrane: I guess your options are limited. Obviously, Khandi [Alexander's] character performed an autopsy on me, so I can't pop back up again like I was away for a while or whatever.

CSI Files: Do you think it's worthwhile for them to bring Speed back in the way they have?

Cochrane: I didn't really know the full scope of what they were going to do. I just agreed to do an episode. It is what it is. I'm in the episode for a minimal amount of time.

CSI Files: What was it like working with everyone again?

Cochrane: I pretty much only worked with Adam. He's a friend of mine so I see him all the time anyway. We have a [bit of] dialogue. I was there for a couple of days.

CSI Files: Did you and Adam have fun filming your scenes together?

Cochrane: Yeah, we always have fun. Like I said, he's a good friend of mine. I see him whether I'm on that set or not. We have a lot of laughs.

CSI Files: Do you keep in touch with anyone else from the cast?

Cochrane: I see Khandi quite a bit.

CSI Files: What was it like being on the Miami set again?

Cochrane: It was a little awkward at first, but some of the same crew people were there and it was nice to see them. It became more comfortable. It was a little surreal, but it was fine.

CSI Files: Did you get to see everyone that you had worked with before?

Cochrane: The only person I didn't get to see from the original cast was David [Caruso, Horatio Caine] because he wasn't working when I was.

CSI Files: Did you cross paths with Jonathan Togo whose character Ryan Wolfe replaced Speedle? Do you have any thoughts on his character?

Cochrane: The first day I showed up, he pointed me towards the wardrobe department, which was nice of him! He seems like a nice guy. I don't really watch the show religiously, so I can't really speculate on his character, but he seems like a nice guy.

CSI Files: Have you kept up with the show at all since leaving, or do you not really follow it anymore?

Cochrane: I really don't. I mean, I saw Rex [Linn, Frank Tripp] in a sheriff's uniform, so I really don't know what's going on! He was telling me he got promoted.

CSI Files: Did you watch the episode where your character died?

Cochrane: Yeah, I did, a long time ago.

CSI Files: When your character was killed off originally, you said weren't happy with the way the writers chose to do that (story). Do you feel like this is better closure for the character?

Cochrane: I think it was probably more in the category of being a random thing. I don't think it's some big closure.

CSI Files: You were just down at Comic Con promoting Right at Your Door. Was that your first Comic Con?

Cochrane: I had been there a year before for another movie. I guess it's growing every year--it gets bigger and bigger. Mary McCormack, the [movie's] director, went down there, so I showed up.

CSI Files: Did you enjoy it?

Cochrane: Yeah, I mean, those people are very enthusiastic about their genre!

CSI Files: Your TNT miniseries, The Company, is airing soon. Were you happy with the finished result?

Cochrane: Yeah, I was. I think they did a very good job with it. I guess they're calling it a limited series, but it's six hours, so [it's airing] over three weeks, two hours [each week]. It's [got] a big cast and a lot of stuff going on. It takes place over forty years.

CSI Files: Do you age forty years over the course of the series?

Cochrane: I age along with [the show]. I play a KGB operative, a Russian guy. We all age about thirty or forty years.

CSI Files: What do you have planned next?

Cochrane: I don't know. I haven't decided yet.

CSI Files: We have heard a rumor that Speedle might be appearing in more than one episode (story)!

Cochrane: I would tell you if I knew! Somebody told me "I heard you were going to be back for five." Five? As far as I know, it's just one.

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Kristine Huntley is a freelance writer and reviewer.

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