...Comes Around
Series: 'CSI: New York'
Episode Title: '...Comes Around'
Episode Number: 323
Synopsis: "The CSIs are puzzled when evidence and witnesses point to John McEnroe as their murder suspect despite his air-tight alibi, and as Mac's investigation causes a political firestorm, the team worries he'll be dismissed when they are asked to testify"
Original Airdate: May 9, 2007
Story By: Zachary Reiter and Bill Haynes
Teleplay By: Danielle Nathanson and Pam Veasey
Directed By: Rob Bailey
Guest Stars:
- John McEnroe as Himself / Jimmy Nelson
- Claire Forlani as Peyton Driscoll
- Carmen Argenziano as Insp. Stanton Gerrard
- Robert Joy as Dr. Sid Hammerback
- Mykelti Williamson as Brigham Sinclair
- Joey Lawrence as Clay Dobson
- Heather Mazur as Natalie Greer
- Michael King as Dean Truby
- Steve Kramer as Administrative Judge
- Whitney Anderson as Angie Cusato
- Bryan Becker as Tony Russo
- Lacey Beeman as Calley
- Nick Ballard as Ethan
- Neal Bledsoe as Sam Friar
- Craig Amendola as Police Officer
- Kristine Huntley - CSI Files