‘CSI:Cyber’ Preempted By Football Delay
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CSI: Cyber
CSI Files previously reported that CSI: Cyber would air the episode “iWitness” tonight. However, football overrun pushed the CBS schedule back more than an hour, meaning CSI: Cyber will be preempted and will not air a new episode this week. Viewers in the Eastern and Central timezones won’t have Cyber on the schedule tonight, while Mountain and Pacific viewers will get a repeat. Here are two tweets:
Due 2 #NFL game new start times ET/CT ONLY:60Min8:01/7:01c MadamSec9:01/8:01c GoodWife10:01/9:01c,Cyber pre-empted ET/CT, Cyber repeat MT/PT
— CBS Tweet (@CBSTweet) November 30, 2015
Due 2 #NFL game #CSICyber pre-empted ET/CT, Cyber repeat MT/PT.
— CSI: Cyber (@CSICyber) November 30, 2015
I want to watch “CSI:Cyber”. It is a good show but not such a good program as to try to rig up taping shows like the news and The Good Wife hoping to capture the show on DVR when I’m not home. I did go through that this week just to have the show NOT air at all last night on CBS.nnnNO, no, no, I am not playing “Find Waldo” to try to see this show. It’s not worth the effort!