March 26 2025

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Take A Peek At The ‘NCIS:LA’ Premiere, Plus News, Tweets & Photos

13 min read
NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles

Entertainment Weekly posted a 30-second promo for the season seven premiere of NCIS: Los Angeles, which you can watch below:

TV Line shared some exclusive photos from the season seven premiere, which is titled “Active Measures”. The premiere jumps forward three months, and it finds G Callen (Chris O’Donnell) going rogue on his own investigation. This causes problems for the entire team, but particularly Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) and Hetty Lange (Linda Hunt), since they are the closest to Callen. Viewers will learn about Callen’s agenda in the premiere, but the story will not be resolved. “In the tradition of this show, we plant the seeds of something to come, and it has a fairly major impact halfway through the season, in a double-episode,” Executive Producer Shane Brennan revealed. (Check out the original link for the photos, as well as more quotes from the cast.)

According to TV Guide, the internal investigation against Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) will be resolved during season seven. “When the internal affairs investigation reaches its conclusion, and you find out what it’s all about, it will be a catalyst for Deeks making decisions about his future,” Brennan said. Additionally, Sam will face “the greatest challenge of his entire life” toward the end of the season, and season seven itself will contain twice as many storylines as a typical season of the show.

Here’s a question from involving the IA investigation:

Any Deeks and Kensi news for NCIS: LA? — Henrietta

The Internal Affairs investigation will continue to be a point of concern between Kensi and Deeks. “It’s tough,” says Eric Christian Olsen, who remains steadfast that even he doesn’t know what Deeks did. “I think he’s covering something up, something catastrophic. I think he probably gets sent back to LAPD at some point. I think he’s hiding it from everybody, he’s been hiding it from himself. Whatever it is, I only hope he did it for the right reasons.”

Season seven will also introduce Deeks’ mother. Entertainment Weekly reports that Mrs Deeks will be played by Pamela Reed, and her guest stint will start in September. (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation fans might recognize Reed for her role as Donna Hoppe in the season twelve episode “Genetic Disorder” and season thirteen’s “Risky Business Class”.) Here’s a quote from Brennan:

It will come as a shock, but yes … Deeks does have a mother! A big moment for Kensi when they finally meet, a bigger moment for Deeks and another memorable NCIS: LA moment for the fans as we lift the veil — or in this case, the apron — on one of our much-loved characters.

Here’s a question from Entertainment Weekly relating to the above casting news:

Great casting for Deeks’ mom on NCIS: LA. Any scoop on their relationship? — Mikey

The dynamic between Deeks and his mother is really going to shed light on why Deeks is the way he is. “It’s a really interesting reflection on why Deeks chose to work for Hetty and why he fell in love with Kensi,” Eric Christian Olsen tells me. “His mom represents a really strong female role model in his life. His mom has a blue collar job and worked her ass off to give her son the opportunities that she obviously didn’t have. He loves her. He knows what strength is because of her. That dynamic is going to be explored through her and now we see why he fell for the people he did in his life.”

TV Line posted this question and answer, which involves Deeks’ mother and his relationship with Kensi:

Question: Will fans of NCIS: LA’s Deeks and Kensi get to see their relationship develop more through Season 7? —Tony

Ausiello: That would be a definitive yes. “Things must be getting serious if he makes the choice to introduce her to his mom (played by Pamela Reed),” says Daniela Ruah, who plays Kensi. “Throughout that episode, Deeks gets calls on his phone, he doesn’t tell Kensi who it is, he doesn’t pick up… so you can see he’s making the decision about whether he wants to take this step or not. And then he ends up taking it,” previews the actress. “I like that they’ve made it a thought-out decision.”

As CSI Files previously reported, NCIS star Michael Weatherly (Tony DiNozzo) will appear in an episode of NCIS: LA. While at the TCAs earlier this month, Weatherly spoke to TV Fanatic about the thirteenth season of NCIS, and here’s a quote about his trip to the spinoff:

…I was able to go and do NCIS: Los Angeles and that will air in October. I had such an amazing time spending those days with that cast and crew and that team. They were at the end of their sixth season when they shot that and we were at the end of our sixth season when we shot the NCIS: LA spin-off so I felt I really got to see a show in its full stride.

I had so much fun and I haven’t seen it cut together but I promise you it’s going to be hilarious. They really gave me stuff to do that, in all honesty, I hadn’t had the opportunity to do fully in a few hours because of the shape that NCIS has taken, the mothership…

The cast and crew celebrated the show’s 150th episode on the set last week, and here’s a collection of tweets and photos:

Celebrating 150 episodes with people I love. And @kbarkertweets this is like 500 episodes for us! #ncisla

A photo posted by Kristen Hall (@kristenjane) on

I ❤️ donut tables #ncisla150

A photo posted by Kristen Hall (@kristenjane) on

NCISLA 150th episode.

A photo posted by Miguel Ferrer (@mjf789) on

This is everything. #ncisla150

A photo posted by NCIS: LOS ANGELES (@ncisla) on


A photo posted by NCIS: LOS ANGELES (@ncisla) on

You love her, ???? you?!?! #lindahunt #ncisla150

A photo posted by NCIS: LOS ANGELES (@ncisla) on

Best cast & crew in town.#ncisla150

A photo posted by NCIS: LOS ANGELES (@ncisla) on

An army of Hettys. #ncisla150

A photo posted by NCIS: LOS ANGELES (@ncisla) on

Hetty PacMan. #ncisla150

A photo posted by NCIS: LOS ANGELES (@ncisla) on


A photo posted by NCIS: LOS ANGELES (@ncisla) on

Its all about #love & #donuts on #NCISLA #150episodes @llcoolj

A photo posted by Daniela Ruah (@danielaruah) on

What you don't see in this celebratory photo are the 200+ people behind the cameras who create the #NCISLA magic… The ones who lead us, find locations and make our schedules, who make sure the day runs smoothly, who write our words, who build our surroundings, who direct us, who are behind the technology, who place the trees and plants, who dress us, who make us presentable, who feed us, who light us, who carry heavy equipment back and forth, who come to work everyday with a smile on their faces and are equally a part our show's success for #150episodes #bestcrewinhollywood #thedominoeffect #love #team —- O que não se vê nesta foto de celebração são as mais de 200 pessoas atrás das cameras que criam a magia de #NCISLA … Os que nos lideram, que encontram os locais de gravação e fazem os horários, que se certificam que o dia corre bem, que escrevem as palavras, que constroem os cenários, que nos dirigem, que estão por trás da tecnologia, que tratam das plantas, que nos vestem, que nos maquilham e penteiam, que nos dão de comer, que nos iluminam, que carregam com equipamento pesado, que vêm trabalhar com um sorriso na cara todos os dias, e que fazem igualmente parte do sucesso da nossa série durante estes #150episódios #melhorequipadehollywood #efeitodominó #carinho #equipa

A photo posted by Daniela Ruah (@danielaruah) on

150! #ncisla #bestcrewinhollywood

A photo posted by chrisodonnell (@chrisodonnell) on

Renée Felice Smith (Nell Jones), Barrett Foa (Eric Beale), Ruah and Olsen posted this video for the “Tap Off” challenge to benefit Broadway Cares:

And here are several videos, tweets and a photo relating to the challenge video:

Ruah recently did an interview with Asian entertainment news writers prior to the sixth season airing on local stations, and Inquirer Entertainment posted some questions and answers. Here’s a quote about her role on NCIS: LA:

How would you describe your character’s growth?

She’s probably grown as much as I have. Age makes a huge difference. I started the show when I was around 24. I think Kensi is more or less the same age as me. So now we are in our 30s and there’s an obvious growth and maturity with that. But then… she’s always been very impulsive, and over time, she’s calmed down a bit. Although experiences in Season 5 have done something to her, she’s dealing with some psychological and emotional issues. And of course, the relationship with (detective) Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) has also matured.

Smith posted this link to a short film she made, called Baby. It also features the voices of Peter Cambor (Nate Getz) and Linda Hunt:

Finally, check out these miscellaneous tweets and photos, which have been shared by the cast and crew over the past three weeks, followed by several videos:

Dear @ericcolsen, You amuse me. To no end. Umm…what is happening in this photo?? #NCISLAseason7

A photo posted by Mercedes Mason (@themercedesmason) on

Season 7 is gonna be awesome. #NCISLA #bestpartnershipEver

A photo posted by Eric Christian Olsen (@ericcolsen) on

My @DanielaRuah is super strong! Can you tell I can't get enough of her?? #LoveIsInTheAir! #NCISLA7 #Talia❤️Kensi

A photo posted by Mercedes Mason (@themercedesmason) on

Press day with my man @chrisodonnell #NCISLA #pressday

A photo posted by llcoolj (@llcoolj) on

Man crush Monday @michaelmweatherly #NCISLA #season7 #alittlebitofmagic

A photo posted by Eric Christian Olsen (@ericcolsen) on

Brian L Smith capturing my inner karate kid for season 7 #ncisla

A photo posted by chrisodonnell (@chrisodonnell) on

'I pity the fool…' @themercedesmason @ericcolsen #NCISLA o

A photo posted by Daniela Ruah (@danielaruah) on

They don't call us "The Twins" for nothing. #BeingPaidToHangWithMyFriendMeansIWin

A photo posted by Mercedes Mason (@themercedesmason) on

THANK YOU #NCISLA Fans for taking us to 150 Episodes! Prep starts NOW

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

The extreme close up — #NCISLA O close up extremo

A photo posted by Daniela Ruah (@danielaruah) on

Working with Rhonda Burgundy #stayclassysandiego @danielaruah #ncisla

A photo posted by chrisodonnell (@chrisodonnell) on

#RiverIsaac #NCISLA #wardrobe #guardaroupa ❤️

A photo posted by Daniela Ruah (@danielaruah) on

Day One of shooting #NCISLA 150th Episode. Gonna be a big one.

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

Morning rush hour with a side of automatic gunfire. #NCISLA 150th Ep. #ShootLA

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

LA Lines. #NCISLA #ShootLA

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

Day 2 of #NCISLA 150th Episode. Cranes all day everyday. @ncisla

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

Sometimes life imitates art… —@ericcolsen #nationaldogday Por vezes a vida imita a arte…

A photo posted by Daniela Ruah (@danielaruah) on

Explosive day on set.. #NCISLA

A photo posted by llcoolj (@llcoolj) on

Big star on the set today! #ncisla #maevehastakenovermytrailer

A photo posted by chrisodonnell (@chrisodonnell) on

Maybe Props needs to invest in some new Papers. @lanceslarson

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

Bricks n Bricks n Boom || #NCISLA #NCISLA150 #ShootLA #310 #LA

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

Loved having my little one on the set today, good job Maeve! #ncisla

A photo posted by chrisodonnell (@chrisodonnell) on

Working with my man — Director Terrence O'Hara on #NCISLA 150th Episode. ????: Brian Smith

A photo posted by Kyle Harimoto (@kharimoto) on

And here are the videos:

#MeanGirlsMovieQuotes This is what @danielaruah and I do on set when we have 30 seconds between takes. #SheCompletesMe

A video posted by Mercedes Mason (@themercedesmason) on

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