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Hill Harper

By Christian Sparborth
Posted at March 23, 2006 - 11:16 AM GMT

On Tuesday the 7th of March, 2006, Hill Harper (Dr. Sheldown Hawkes) took part in a live chat session with CSI Files visitors, during which he answered questions about his character, his new book, and the other films and TV shows he's been in. Below you can find a transcript of the entire chat.

Christian: Hello everyone, and welcome to this live chat with CSI: New York actor Hill Harper, who plays Dr. Sheldon Hawkes on the show. A very special welcome, of course, to Hill Harper, who's been gracious enough to join us tonight. Is everything working okay for you with the chat, Hill?

Hill Harper: Hey Everybody!

Christian: We've received lots of questions via the message board, and of course you're able to ask questions now as well. To do so, simple type "/msg Kristine [your question]".

Christian: Just tell us when you're ready, Hill, and we will begin to ask you questions :).

Hill Harper: Now is great.

Christian: Here's the first question, from jorja_fan86: In which way are you and your portrayal of Sheldon Hakwes similar and in which ways are you different?

Hill Harper: I think that he is much more scientific than I am personally.

Hill Harper: I'm not the fastest typist in the world so be patient with me!

Kristine: Khanada would like to know what the most interesting thing you've learned in the show is?

Hill Harper: That these people are heroes and truth seekers... It seems that in our criminal justice system, truth is not always the goal of prosecutors and defense attorneys, they just want to win, but CSI's seek truth!

Christian: From MrsGiovinazzo: As an attorney myself, any man with a Harvard law degree who chooses not to practice certainly has my attention and respect. Has there ever been a time when you questioned your decision to pursue acting instead? Were you ever a starving artist going, "Damn, I could have started at $150,000/yr at any firm in the country?"

Hill Harper: After I graduated from Harvard I worked an overnight shift at a 24-hour diner so I could audition during the day... And my friends were making six figures, but I never have made decisions based on money and I have no regrets... It's all a JOURNEY! And a great one at that!!!

Kristine: lookaboomerang would like to know what your favorite episode of NY is and why?

Hill Harper: My favorite episode is always the one I am shooting at the moment, cause the past has happened and the future ain't happened yet... So the one we are shooting now is my favorite...

Christian: Can you tell us a little bit about the episode you're shooting right now? What is it about?

Hill Harper: OHHH it's big [Anthony Zuiker] wrote it and it brings up issues from what many people consider to be their favorite CSI: NY ep thus far...

Kristine: ziggystarduzt would like to know how you feel your character has grown since the career switch from ME to CSI

Hill Harper: I think you get to see him interact with many new and different people and in different settings... Hawkes will get more and more fleshed out in seasons to come... I love being CSI and in the field and as time goes on (in future seasons) I think you will see more of the personality and personal life of Hawkes, Lindsey and Flack.

Christian: From Chili_Peppers: Hi Hill :). I was wondering... What was it like working with Anna Belknap (Lindsay Monroe) on The Handler? And what is your favorite episode?

Hill Harper: I loved working with Anna on The Handler, we wwere very close and would sometimes even rehearse together on our off time... I think my favorite ep is when she and I went undercover in a bar and played like gypsy lovers in a lover's quarrell to trick the owner of the bar... Anna is one of my favorite people in the world and I am so happy we are working together again...

Kristine: tashia asks if you could write your own episode , what aspect of the crime or solving the crime would you focus the story around?

Hill Harper: Wow... Tough question.... I am always fascinated by the true nuance of crime solving, so I would like it to be a case where a true pro committed the crime and left virtually no stone un-turned so it forces us to be even smarter than him... I love the "brain battles."

Christian: From MrsGiovinazzo: I seem to recall hearing that you spent last hiatus penning an inspirational book for young black men, but I can't find any indication it has been published. What is the status of that project?

Hill Harper: First, it is not only for "Young Black Men" it is for any young man or even parents of young men.... It is being published by Gotham Books a division of Penguin and is coming out April 20th in bookstores, but you can pre-buy it now on, it is called "Letters To A Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny" Please support and buy it and give it to a young man...

Kristine: dance2nite926 would like to know if you have any embarrassing or funny stories to share from the set of CSI: NY?

Hill Harper: One great story, is that [Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor) had the prop dept mock up a fake Maxim or FHM with [Melina Kanakaredes (Stella Bonasera)] on the cover and we all gathered around in a big circle going "OOOOHHH, AHHH" until Melina was like, "What is everyone looking at?" Then Gary handed it to her and it was so funny!!! We have a great cast... I dare say the best one hour drama cast on Free TV!!

Christian: From Cheshyre: Hello, Mr. Harper. I was wondering if you've ever looked back on some of the work you've done and said, "Yeah, THAT was a bad idea" or "I wish someone would burn that".

Hill Harper: No not really... It's funny that some of the independent movies I've done that some people consider embarassing, are among my personal favorites...

Kristine: CSIFreak asks, What do you like to do when you're not on the set of the show?

Hill Harper: I am involved in a number of charities (I am a Big Brother with BB/Big Sisters ) and I have been writing my book, but now that that's done I just prep for the next episode and catch up on all the movies I've missed while I've been shooting the show and writing.

Christian: From madgeorge: Mr.Harper, is there any advice you would give to an aspiring actress such as myself?

Hill Harper: Take as many good acting classes as you can afford to take... Work on as many low/no budget short/feature indies that you can find and do as much theater as you can... A lot of people who call themselves "actors" today, dont even "act" or practice daily... Just think if someone said "I'm a musicician" and you asked, well do you play? And they said, "No, I haven't actually played in a year."

Kristine: lookaboomerang would like to know what your proudest accomplishment is

Hill Harper: As an Actor: My work in a film called "The Visit."

Christian: From ThumpyG42: Hello Hill, I was wondering what are some of your favorite books and/or movies.

Hill Harper: Favorite Book: "By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept" by Paulo Coehlo and "Letters to a Young Brother" by Hill Harper :-) And movies... There are so many but I loved all Krzysztof Kieslowski films like "La Double Vie De Véronique" and "Red."

Kristine: tashia would like to know if you've ever visited or the messageboards, and if so, what do you think of what the fans are saying about the show and your character?

Hill Harper: I didn't know about it for a long time and when I learned about it I did visit and I was pissed... Hawkes does not get enough love at all!!! There isn't even a Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes Thread... I was very sad and I think I have better abs than [Carmine Giovinazzo (Danny Messer)] anyway!!!

Kristine: LOL, you'll have to get them to showcase them on the show more!

Kristine: There are currently two Hawkes threads running now I believe

Kristine: One with HOTT with two or three Ts. ;)

Hill Harper: But that's not a traditional "discussion thread"... What guy is going to go on that and discuss... I'm talking about the regular old base line thread.

Christian: From MrsGiovinazzo: Gotta ask it: boxers or briefs?

Hill Harper: Boxer Briefs always!!! Except when I sleep......

Kristine: Hungry4TheWolfe asks if you have a favorite sport and what your favorite team in that sport is?

Hill Harper: Football... I played football in college and when I was in HS I was on an

Hill Harper: Sorry I accidentally hit "enter" before I was done

Kristine: No problem. :) Hill, how are we doing with time? How much longer would you like to chat for?

Hill Harper: I have to get to Fed Ex by 5.15 so maybe 5 more minutes....?

Christian: OK, we'll get on to the last questions, then :).

Christian: From BlueGirl: Hi Hill! I'm a hungarian girl, who's a fan of the CSI: NY show. I heard there was a scene in the last aired episode in the US, where you watched Carmine eat a centipede or whatever. Tell me it was only raw paste he ate! Also was it more gross or funny to shoot that scene? Bye, Tery

Hill Harper: It was so much fun shooting with the bugs and octopi and meal worms and scorpions... I love that stuff!! Now Carmine is a method actor and as far as I know, he ate the real thing!!!!!!!!!

Hill Harper: I was kidding... Our special effects guys are so good... They can make the stuff we eat look so real, but everything else is real.

Kristine: Last question of the evening! crimedramalover says, You were brilliant as an M.E., but I like you EVEN MORE as an investigator. What do you think about the change?

Hill Harper: The change is great and it will only keep on getting better, because I think that next season we will see some story lines that give you a hint into why Hawkes has changed jobs for the 3rd Time! He was a surgeon before an ME, then left that!!!

Christian: Well, that concludes our fourth live chat here at CSI Files. Thanks to all of you for showing up and submitting questions, and of course a very special thank you to Hill for agreeing to participate in this chat!

Christian: Thanks also to Kristine for helping moderate this chat, and to the kind people at for hosting this chat.

Christian: A transcript of the chat will be posted on sometime soon.

Christian: I'll now be turning off moderation, so everyone has a chance to say thanks to Hill.

Kristine: Thank you Hill! :)

ziggystarduzt: Thanks so much, HIll!
ThumpyG42: Thanks, Hill!!
dance2nite926: Thank you!
Hungry4TheWolfe: Bye Hill and thanks

Hill Harper: It was great!!! I want to do it again when I have more time!!!!!!!!!

Khanada: Thanks Hill. Appreciate you taking your time with us!
MrsGiovinazzo: Let's see more of those abs, baby!!!
JDonne: Thanks.
CSIFreak: we'll be glad to have ya!
Chromosome: I love you!
Hungry4TheWolfe: Yeah please come back ;)
dance2nite926: Thanks for answering my question!

Hill Harper: Thanks for supporting our show WE ALL APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH!!!

Hill Harper: Who's gonna volunteer to start my thread????

karoll_lima15: You're awesome. Thanks!
ziggystarduzt: I'll volunteer!
CSIFreak: OOH I will!
tashia: WE GOT THIS!
lookaboomerang: We'll bump it!
EllaJ: i bet one's already up
Hungry4TheWolfe: I'll take part in the thread hehe
MrsGiovinazzo: we have a thread for you, please visit it!

Kristine: Your thread will be up within the hour, no doubt of that!

Hill Harper: :-)

* Hill_Harper has quit IRC (Quit: Hill_Harper)

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Christian Sparborth is the editor of CSI Files, as well as of Star Trek fan site TrekToday and Desperate Housewives fan site Get Desperate!

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