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Carmine Giovinazzo

By Christian Sparborth
Posted at July 1, 2005 - 12:01 AM GMT

On Wednesday the 29th of June, Carmine Giovinazzo was kind enough to participate in a one-hour live chat with CSI Files visitors. Questions ranged from everything to his experiences on CSI: New York and films such as Black Hawk Down, to baseball, his artwork, and even whether he wears boxers or briefs. Below you can find a transcript of the entire chat.

While this was the first CSI Files chat, it certainly won't be the last one. On the 11th of July, CSI: Miami star Jonathan Togo (Ryan Wolfe) has tentatively agreed to participate in another live discussion with CSI fans. Information on how to participate in that chat will be posted to CSI Files in early July.

Christian: We're talking with Carmine Giovinazzo, CSI: New York's Danny Messer actor. He's on right now on CBS with a "Creatures of the Night" rerun, but clearly actually talking with him is much more fun :). Carmine, just let us know when you're ready, and we'll begin asking you questions.

Carmine Giovinazzo: Alright, got my dinner... I'm ready.

Kristine: Great! The first question is from lovemonkey: What part of Italy is your family from?

Carmine Giovinazzo: My grandfather on my Father's side is from Calabria...

Christian: Are you still on hiatus right now? When do you expect to start filming CSI: NY's second season?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Yes, still on hiatus... starting to prep now... tentatively season two begins second week of July. Let me just thank you all for showing up... I really appreciate you guys and gals

Kristine: Ookpik wants to know if you ever get curious and read topics at TalkCSI?

Christian: There's about 30 or 40 people in the room right now. It's quite popular!

Carmine Giovinazzo: I have read it several times... and it's amazing... like I just said... seeing you discuss my character and the show means a lot

Christian: miam: I would ask him: How was the work with the CSI Miami team? Does he want another crossover with Miami (or Las Vegas)?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Crossover sounds cool... but it's quite an endeavor.... working with [David Caruso (Horatio Caine)] was smooth... I didn't get to work with [Rory Cochrane (Tim Speedle)]... our scenes were over the phone.

Kristine: crutter asks: What type of things do you hope to see happen to/for Danny next season?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I suppose... simply more of the same... dig deeper into the hole we've begun to explore... conflict between Mac and I.

Christian: Many members wanted to know how comfortable you feel about the forensic science in the show. Are you able to get a grip on it? Would you be able to pass a science test :)?

Carmine Giovinazzo: It's always a challenge but you can obtain an understanding when explained to you first hand by our CSI consultant. It's difficult playing a scene and keeping it interesting while having so many tasks simultaneously.

Kristine: Joo would like to know if there's anything romantic going on between Danny and Aiden?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Everytime they say cut.

Carmine Giovinazzo: I'm laughing... hope you all are

Christian: We have heard that a new regular will be joining the show next season -- a female criminalist called Summer Hamilton. Have you heard anything about this, and are you even allowed to talk about this? Have you met the new actress already?

Carmine Giovinazzo: News to me... I haven't sat down with the producers/writers since last season... so still in the dark about what to expect.

Kristine: aljomom wants to know if there are definite plans to revisit the tension between Danny and Mac next season. How much imput did you and [Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor)] have in that? Do you two get along well in real life?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Yes, yes and yes. Writers are very open to discussion... we do work together often when necessary.

Kristine: Acid_Rain writes: Many of your fans seem to have had their heads turned by your looks. What are your thoughts on this and their obvious clamor in the Locker Room thread devoted to you?

Carmine Giovinazzo: It's nothing but a beautiful thing... it's also quite funny... you guys have me laughing in such a good way.

Kristine: TBonz would like to know if you still play baseball!

Carmine Giovinazzo: Very sadly, no... I hit balls once and a while... and have played some celeb stuff... I won't allow myself to play softball... I still plan on finding a hardball team to play with.

Christian: chrissy0: I have a Q...I'd like to know if there are any actors/actresses who've have any influence on his acting...anyone he's looked up to/learned from.

Carmine Giovinazzo: So many actors I feed off of... I'm very influenced by filmmaker/actor John Cassavetes.

Kristine: Joo would like to know how much you have in common with Danny, personality-wise.

Carmine Giovinazzo: Danny and I have just enough in common... we're very similar and also extremely different.

Christian: hungry4theWolfe: I want to know what it was like to go through boot camp to film Black Hawk Down?

Carmine Giovinazzo: 4 months in Africa for the shoot was amazing... I had a week or two training there... came on late so missed the boot camp in the States... but we flew in Blackhawks... fast roped from abandoned buildings... got very familiar with an M16... we were taught by an ex Navy Seal.

Kristine: miss_grandprix from the Phillippines asks what you've been up to during your hiatus.

Carmine Giovinazzo: I've traveled thru... eight or nine countries in last two months... Germany, Czech Republic... France... Netherlands... London... Back here and then South America... You all must find the time to travel, it's essential... I haven't done it much in my life thats why I'm doing it now.

Christian: Have you noticed any differences between the fans in the US and overseas?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Since the first season ended... I left the country right away... so my experience with fans has been there... they have been great... just as they are here... just a different kind of people

Kristine: Acid Rain wants to know if Kelly Hu will reprise her role as Detective Maka?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Haven't heard... don't think so...

Christian: Leah: I would ask him what it's like working with Eddie Cahill (Det. Flack)

Carmine Giovinazzo: Eddie's like working with an old friend... he's open... interested and a funny guy.

Kristine: julie1 would like to know if you have a girlfriend?

Carmine Giovinazzo: On my own.

Christian: Udjat: Personally I'd love to know more 'bout his art, what made him start painting, what inspires him and if he has the ambition to see his art in a gallery someday (and maybe sell some stuff)?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I've been drawing since I was a kid... I'm inspired by you and everybody else... The differences between all of us and where we come from... there's so much to be inspired by it could be anything... I did have a show in LA... in 97... but since I've only been painting sporadically... so i'm waiting for enough output before having a show.

Kristine: lookaboomerang asks: HOw often are you getting recognized now? How do people react to you when they recognize you?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I just returned from Venezuela and was recognized there more than I ever have been here. I stay pretty low key in Hollywoodland.

Christian: EaseTheMoment: ah! the legendary 'celebrity' question: boxers or briefs??

Carmine Giovinazzo: None at the moment. I like to change it up.

Kristine: Just what everyone wanted to hear. ;) How well does the NY cast get along? Are you friendly with any of them outside of work?

Carmine Giovinazzo: We all share underwear.

Christian: Ladytrinity wants to know if you watch the other two CSI shows. How do you feel about them?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I didn't but since I got the job watched Vegas and thought it was well done and the cast was smooth together... was impressed.

Kristine: awesomepossum wants to know what your favorite character has been to play?

Carmine Giovinazzo: "Gundy" from Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss... "Frankie" from Fallen Arches... And Danny.

Christian: Lookaboomerang wants to know if you have any upcoming projects outside of CSI.

Carmine Giovinazzo: Plan to do a film next hiatus. Not sure what until later in the season... possibly producing Brink of Black which I wrote...

Kristine: insomniareigns would like to know what your favorite episode of CSI: NY is and why?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Quickly... I think of the one Vanessa and I handled the murders in the Cafe... it was our first lead on a case and I remember it being a difficult shoot but worth it. And definitely the one where I shoot the cop

Christian: Can you tell us anything about Brink of Black? Have you done any more writing?

Carmine Giovinazzo: It's a character film about friends from NY... love story... realizing that where you grew up may not be where you belong... I'm always writing and have several other things in motion.

Kristine: Minnie asks, "How do you prepare for those scenes where you have to get angry or upset?"

Carmine Giovinazzo: I think about all the hours I have to work.

Christian: Do you have any ambition to direct? Does CSI offer actors the chance to helm episodes?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I would like to direct... as far as a CSI... it's going to take a bit more time to feel that one out...

Kristine: Foo asks, "Do you and [Vanessa Ferlito (Aiden Burn) joke around a lot offscreen as well?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Vanessa and I have become great friends and we're always laughing our asses off.

Christian: A Caribbean Mystery: 5 years from now, do you still see yourself on the show? Or do you see yourself doing other projects?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I will definitely be doing other projects every time that I have off... and will work for the show as long it's working out.

Kristine: DannyMesserFan would like to know if you've ever sat in on an autopsy and if so, what was it like?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I've visited the morgue in NYC but never sat in on a live autopsy... don't know if I can see that.

Christian: modtang would like to know what your favourite bands and movies are?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Pixies... Velvet Underground... Lou Reed... Iggy Pop... Mean Streets... All Cassavetes flicks... too many...

Kristine: Final question (this will make y'all happy ;): lookaboomerang and many, many others would like to know what you think of your fans' desire for a shower scene for your character, and if you think it will happen?

Carmine Giovinazzo: I'm flattered...and attending the YMCA in preperation for that wonderful television moment.

Christian: Alright, that concludes our questions! Is there anything left that you'd like to say to your fans?

Carmine Giovinazzo: Yes... thank you... this doesn't go unappreciated... all your words mean alot... maybe we'll do this again... in another lifetime perhaps.

Carmine Giovinazzo: thanks Kristine.

Kristine: thanks Carmine! :)

Christian: Carmine, thanks again for agreeing to participate in our first-ever CSI Files live chat! We really appreciate you taking out the time for this, and I'm sure the same is true for all the fans who were present here tonight. A transcript of tonight's chat will be posted on sometime tomorrow. Be sure to watch Carmine on CSI: New York every week, and visit his web site,!

Christian: I'm going to turn off moderation now, so that everyone can say thanks to Carmine.

TBonz: whoo boy ;)
modtang: thank you carmine xxxxxx <3
RiP_nHL: thanks for talking with us! :) :) :) :)
NikkiH: Thank you, Carmine!!!
miss_grandprix: Ciao carmine! best of luck!!! been great havin you! CSI rox!
lohengrin: thanks :
dootdootdoot: JOO WANTS TO MARRY YOU :D
CSI_wannabe91086: thank you
Fullman: Thanks Carmine, and keep up the excellent work!
Firstimelast7: thanks so much
Ookpik: thank you!
lovemonkey: Grazie Carmine!!
aljomom: Thanks Carmine! Looking forward to Season 2!
ladytrinity: thank you so very much, you are an amazing actor
awesomepossum: Thanks so much, Carmine!! (loved Gundy)
csifreakaholic: THANKS MUCHLY!!! :D

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Christian Sparborth is the editor of CSI Files, as well as of Star Trek fan site TrekToday, and Desperate Housewives fan site Get Desperate!

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